Over 30 members attended our Christmas in July at the Fox and Hound Country Inn, great food and fantastic company with our club members.
Wednesday mid-week run to Ipswich Railway Workshop

We had an array of cars on Wednesday 26th June. 7 old with 3 modern cars headed off early on a clear winters morning from the clubhouse. It was quite an uninteresting journey north up the M1. The more scenic route, unfortunately was too time consuming for this run. We exited at Beenleigh & met another 8 club members. We enjoyed the sunshine at Albert River Park. The whole 21 of us finished our cuppas & continued on our merry way.

A caravan held us up briefly, but the M1 & Logan motorway was quite well behaved. Our welcome to Ipswich was defined by beautiful old homes, the Queenslanders with their wrought iron fret work, corrugated roofs, lovely wide verandahs with typical front stairs.

Once at Queensland museum rail workshops at Ipswich we met Heinz & 2 of his Rover car club friends. Our quietly spoken guide Ken talked to us about the numerous red brick buildings before us. the fighter jets from RAAF base Amberley were competing with Ken. Originally this site was a rifle range, then in 1885 these Queensland rail buildings were workshops for a huge number of occupations including blacksmiths, boiler makers, coppersmiths, coach & carriage builders, carpenters, just to name a few.
A 1901 coal fired power house sits grandly amongst hedges that have been sculpted into the shapes of a locomotive and carriages by some very talented gardeners. At the workshops peak, there were 3000 workers. The dining hall (now a cafe) served 600, three course meals a day. The pride of the museum is Loco 444. She was made in Maryborough in 1908 & retired in 1968 when diesel came in. Loco 444 was the last steam train that ran on a time table. Now she’s heritage listed. The tilt train simulator was a bit of fun where you could “drive” the train to a top speed of 160kph, which is the fastest train in Australia. The model train exhibit was very detailed & all to scale. Miniature trains ran around the tracks, of this believable city.

A short drive at 12.30 took us to the Mi Hi Tavern for a welcomed lunch. We all enjoyed each others company over the course before heading back to the Gold Coast.
Lynne Rafton.

Show and Shine, May 5th

This year a total of 22 of our members cars attended the evnt and there was not two of the same make and model. We had cars from Australia, Britain, the US and Japan, but no cars from Europe this year.  After all the judging we were served  a bar-be-que lunch and the winners were announced in each class by age.

Remembrance Day Run April 24

This run started with morning tea at the club house and a friendly get together. After morning we all headed off to the Cenotaph at Maudsland where we all went to the Cenotaph in the middle of the road.Colin then asked us to look at the names. He had picked two of the name these being Edwin Beattie and Frank Ness Wilson and told us their war story from WW1.Colin then asked us to look at the names. He had picked two of the name these being Edwin Beattie and Frank Ness Wilson and told us their war story from WW1.

Once we had fished talking about some of our family in WW! and WW2, we headed off to Nerang RSL for lunch.It was a great days outing with six club cars and two modern vehicles, if you did not come along you missed a great outing.

Crams Farm Club Run 3rd March

Crams Farm Reserve is much more than a 14 hectare park located in Northern NSW.

It is where Tweed Valley Vehicle Restorers Club, Northern Rivers Vintage & Veterans Car Club and Gold Coast Antique Classic Auto Club get together for this annual event and have done so for more than 10 years.
We swap yarns, discuss the latest car gossip, catch up with our other car club friends, listen to some talented musicians,
drool over the curves (of cars), have a feed and this year it was our pleasure to entertain our comrades with some games
The “guess the amount of mentos in the container” was won by Garry Rafton from GCACAC. Well done.
“how many bolts can you move from one container to another" (using chopsticks?)
Well a lot of cheering, cursing and clapping encompassed this game with TVVRC coming out the definitive winners!
Who knew chopsticks swivelled, corkscrewed and spun out of your fingers so easily?
Not Tweed Valley members, congrats!!
Looking forward to meeting up again next year.
Lynne Rafton
February 2024 Club Run Pictures